This is a pretty random collection of humorous content that I hope you enjoy!
The reedmaking never stops. Maybe you have had more time lately to practice and experiment with your reedmaking!

This image struck me as simply the kind of activity we might find ourselves doing after too much time at home!

I hope you haven’t ever had so much reedmaking stress you felt like you needed therapy, but I think we have all come close at points….

Here are also some jokes that I enjoy or found a little more unique than other more common ones. They were all found at
Q: How do you get a million dollars playing the oboe?
A: Start off with 2 million.
Q: Why do oboe players leave their cases on the dashboard?
A: So they can park in handicap spaces.
Marriage is like playing the oboe. It looks easy until you try it.
And finally, a few memes I had seen from this facebook page.
This is terrrifying indeed.

When Marie Kondo ends your oboe career…

Only the true Barret lovers.

Have a good week and stay healthy!
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